Elliptical Head CIS
CIS ASME TÜV Thüringen Group

Online Calculation-Tools

Shells and Heads
  • Cylinder under internal pressure
  • Elliptical head under internal pressure
  • Torispherical head under internal pressure
  • Klöpperboden (DIN28011) under internal pressure
  • Korbbogenboden (DIN28013) under int. pressure
  • Hemispherical head under internal pressure
  • Flat head (circular) under internal pressure
  • Flat head (noncircular) under internal pressure
  • Equivalent flange pressure due to ext. loads
  • ASME B16.5 flanges external loads - UG-44(b)
  • Loose-type flange under internal pressure
  • ASME B16.5 Flanges P/T Ratings
Determination of foming strains
  • Forming strain of a cylinder
  • Forming strain of a head
  • Forming strain of tube or pipe bends

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Elliptical heads - ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1


internal pressure P:

bar CIS ASME TÜV Thüringen Group

head thickness thead:


allowable stress S:


joint efficiency E:


hight h:


Intermediate Results


  I [App.1-4(1)] II [App.1-4(1)]    
Online Rechner ASME Code Online Rechner ASME Code    

required wall- thickness treq:


design margin:


Input Errors



The formula for the typical 2:1 elliptical head is listed in paragraph UG-32(d) of ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1. The general formula for all elliptical heads within the dimensional scope is addressed in Appendix 1-4. Factor K varies depending on the shape of the ellipse. Please note that an elliptical 2:1 head must not be mixed up with the German DIN 28013 torispherical head (Korbbogenboden). Although both types of heads are within each other’s shape tolerances, they shall be calculated using different formulas resulting in different required thicknesses. As a rule the required wall thickness of an elliptical 2:1 head is less than that of a Korbbogenboden. If a nozzle reinforcement calculation in the crown area is needed, however, the Korbbogenboden formula is more advantageous.

P = MAWP + hydrostatic head at operating conditions
Do/D = ouside/inside diameter of the straight flange in corroded condition
S = allowable stress value from Section II, Part D of the material at design temperature
E = efficiency factor 1 for seamless heads if UW-11(a)(5)(b) is met (Cat. B o C adjacent butt welds needs to be spot radiographed as a minimum) otherwiese 0,85.
h = inside height of the head without straight flange in corroded condition (example: typical 2:1 elliptical head with 1000 mm inside diameter => h = 250 mm)

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These calculation tools are intended to be used for information and guidance only, they do not replace a detailed design calculation and compliance with all applicable Code requirements. CIS GmbH expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site.

ASME Section VIII Division 1
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