All of our design engineers are Authorized Inspectors Supervisors with a valid National Board Commission. Their professional design experience enables them to assist you with the efficient application of the ASME Code. Especially when dealing with ASME Code constructions it is of particular benefit if the expert verifying your design is also experienced in ASME Code inspection work.
In addition to the ASME Code we also check and verify your design for compliance with the requirements of other international codes and standards as needed for your business:
- ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1
- ASME Code Section VIII, Division 2
- ASME Code Section I
- ASME Code Section III
- ASME Code Section IV
- ASME B31.1
- ASME B31.3
- EN 13445
- AD 2000
- Australian Standard 1210 (AS1210)
- British Standard (PD5500)
- Canadian Standard CSA B51
- Indian Boiler Regulations 1950 (IBR)
Online-Calculation of cylinders, heads and flanges
We can provide you with a wide variety of services, ranging from verifying the initial dimensioning of your product (e.g. for offers) to checking your complete design documents to ensure compliance with the requirements of the different ASME Code Sections (e.g. in regard to an ASME Joint Review).
Wind and Seismic Loads
We also consider wind and seismic loads at the intended place of operation according to various
international standards:
- Uniform Building Code (UBC 1991, UBC 1994, UBC 1997)
- International Building Code IBC (IBC 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009)
- American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE (ASCE 7-88 bis 7-10)
- National Building Code of Canada NBC (NBC Canada 1990, 1195, 2005)
- Earthquake Actions -
Australia (AS 1170.4)
- Earthquake Actions -
New Zealand (NZS 1170.5)
- Wind Actions
Australia / New Zealand
(AS/NZS 1170.2 Part 2)
External Nozzle Loads |
External nozzle loads, caused by piping or attached equipment can be included in our design verification of your pressure vessels, heat exchangers, steam boilers and other pressure bearing components. Some of the commonly used design calculation procedures we are able to consider are:
- Welding Research Council Bulletins WRC-107
- Welding Research Council Bulletins WRC-297
- Finite element method